Sunday, February 17, 2013

On the Subject of Together

You've guessed it. (You were guessing, right?)

It's that time of year again when the good old girls and boy from Oregon, who've since spread out around the country, get together and put on one heck of a show with an accompanying teaching residency to boot! Don't know what I'm talking about? Go read about us here.

For the first time in our three years of concert producing and teaching, all 8 of the TRANSForm Dance Collective members will be taking over the Twin Cities and the James Sewell Ballet TEK BOX Theater at the Cowles Center. We'll have two nights in the theater with daytime classes from 10-4pm.

This year I'm bringing the latest addition to SPARC titled, Up Here (Parts I, II). It's a duet with the lovely Erin Cairns Cella and myself. Taking a different approach to our over arching subject of loss, in this piece we're remembering and even celebrating our loved ones through sensing, shadowing and somehow finding each other while in two different places. It's an interesting piece to perform, as I find myself really not "seeing" Erin in the space, but truly yearning for a memory we shared and trying to recreate it over and over again. How fitting with our TRANSForm concert title, On the Subject of Together.

Speaking of, I'm the ring leader of the fundraising efforts for this year's concert. Thanks to the exquisite members of the collective (and you for spreading the word ::wink:: ::shoulder nudge::), we've made this video for your viewing pleasure and if you feel moved, consider donating anything you are comfortable with. If that's not in the cards this time around, you can share our link via email, facebook, twitter or telling your friends when you are having brunch or late night drinks.

Alright kids, get your dance on. It's 10:39 on a Sunday. Over and out.

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