Game #1: Stop & Go
What - Move with your partner, mirroring or mimicking their movement. At any time either partner can say "stop." At that time the other person freezes and the moving partner can move around the space, interrupt the frozen space, and manipulate the frozen partner. "Go" begins the frozen partner's movement.
Why - This was meant as a tool to warm us up, re-introduce each other to our movement tendencies, and offer some ground work for phrase material later.
Game #2: Observing the Solo
What - One dancer moves in the space and very slowly the observing partner moves into the dancer's space, getting in their way, until eventually they stop moving and come to a close.
Why - This is a shortened version of how the beginning of the piece might run.
Game #3: Drudging Through Space
What - One partner assists the other as they lose their balance, their grip, and direction in space.
Why - This was meant as a transitional section between the observing the solo portion and the duet.