Thursday, December 5, 2013

Radio Silence

Oh, dear. It's been quite some time since we've had an update for you all but here is a tiny one just so you know I'm still here and making the art happen.

Lately, with less than acceptable time to bust a groove in the studio, my favorite place to take class and rehearse shutting its doors and the undertaking of a second job, I've focused my energies on a few other creative tasks.

I've been writing ferociously. About anything. Everything. Life. Snow. Nail lacquer palettes. Made up fairytale love. Dark and twisted characters.

I think I may be on to something with it, so it's going to remain a constant. It's exciting and a damn good way to get all of this creative energy out that is bouncing around inside my skin.

Ari Denison
I also recently ventured south to see a wonderful artist friend of mine, Ari. The magic that spans the air when we head out to make whatever it is we're making is simply splendid. It's unmatched. And it fuels us to full power, ready to do it again and again. We're currently trying to nail down another adventure. It needs to happen. Like, yesterday.

Ari Denison

I will say, this downtime from the studio has not been lost on me. And my evening length plans have not changed. If anything, I've been able to cultivate a more clear idea of how I want to proceed. And I've gotten a little pep in my step in regards to the video portion which I'm hoping to begin filming on my next trip to see my photo-mastermind.

Ari Denison
Between the writing and photo making and planning of film elements, I'm also looking to start working on another piece for a show in late February at the beloved Cahill Theater in the Bronx. For now I'm creating a duet to get me started but I see this next piece having three people ultimately. More on that as the details unfold. 

Exciting stuff happening, folks. Dance on. Write on. Get your art on.